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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that can be commonly misdiagnosed as more generalized anxiety, and can result in a treatment plan that is not nearly as effective as Exposure Response Prevention, or ERP. Obsessive-compulsion disorder is a two-fold anxiety disorder that consists of obsessions, or intrusive thoughts which induce anxiety, and compulsions, which are behaviors that are meant to reduce the anxiety, but can actually reinforce it more. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, can be very distressing and dominating in an individual's life, oftentimes affecting relationships, everyday tasks, and an individual's self-worth. ERP can help the individual to regain a sense of control in their life, and help to conquer the anxiety that OCD can cause. Through collaboration, we can create a plan to "boss OCD around" and give you the tools to live a better life. 

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